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5 of the most common PC problems (and how to fix them)

September 8th, 2009 by Emily

We all know how easy it is for a computer to break during every day use - and it always seems to happen just when that essay's getting very close to the deadline. But do you know how easy it is to fix many of the most common computer problems? Here we run through five of the most widespread PC issues you are likely to encounter, and how they may not be as complicated to put right as it might seem at first ...

1. Faulty power supply. If nothing happens when you try and turn your computer on, and you have made sure it is plugged in OK, the problem for lack of power may lie with the PC's internal adaptor. It's easy to replace - just unhook the adaptor from the motherboard and connect the new one up instead.

2. There is no picture on your monitor. If you turn your PC on, but cannot see anything on your monitor check the power light is on and the cable between your PC and the monitor is connected firmly at both ends. If it is and you still can't get a picture on the screen, the monitor is likely dead. It is very hard (and dangerous) to attempt to fix monitors, so just buy a replacement.

3. The Internet is too slow or keeps dropping its connection. Check all your physical connections and make sure they are all plugged in. Often re-starting your router can fix a temporary connection blip. Ensure you have no unwanted / undesirable programs by keeping your anti-virus up to date and installing 'spyware' protection running regular scans for both.

4. Broken keyboard. If your keyboard experiences sticky keys or certain keys are broken, always remember that you can salvage replacements from an old keyboard as the keys are often interchangeable.

5. Your printer won't print. There isn't a home tutor in the whole of the UK who hasn't experienced the frustration of a printer refusing to print their lesson plans. Check the print queue on your computer. Old print jobs may need clearing first before your printer will process any new commands, so make sure you check this before you do anything else.

Categories: Advice