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Intermediate Swing Instructors

Looking for Intermediate Swing Teachers? First Tutors: Dance makes it easy for you to find the most qualified 1 on 1 Intermediate Swing tutor in your city.

Meet some of our Intermediate Swing Instructors



Ballroom, Salsa, Tango, Jive, Wedding, Swing, Rock 'n' Roll
Professional: Approved Dance Instructor (Ballroom/Latin) (2000)
Professional dancer Elena was 4 times World and European Champion in Ballroom Formation as part of the "Codreanca Formation Team". She has a passion for dance, and as well as teaching she provides a variety of services including coaching, performing, competition preparation and choreography. However...


Professional: 7'63 Certificate of Higher Education in Animation of Physical and Sports Activities (2011)
I am an enthusiastic twenty-five-year old boy who did a sports two-year vocational studies. I have been dancing Swing (lindy hop) for three years and have been teaching beginners and intermediates for a year in Barcelona. I am outgoing, friendly and very careful and meticulous when teaching Swing. I...

This is the best place to discover the most suitable Intermediate Swing instructor, their hourly rates and proximity to you, through one easy to use search. Intermediate Swing can be fun, and a Intermediate Swing teacher will help you advance your existing dance skills, and develop new ones!

If you are a dance instructor wishing to offer instruction in Intermediate Swing, or any of the other dance styles we offers, please register with First Tutors: Dance or find out more about us here.

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