Blog Posts tagged Home

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Home schooling your child?

by Sara

In the 19th century more children received education in the UK from home than in schools. Nowadays, most children attend school although recent data estimates there is an annual increase of 17% of children who are home schooled in this country.

Education from the age of five is a legal requiremen...

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Signs that may indicate your child needs a private tutor

by Sara

Many children who are struggling at school will suffer in silence, consequently their parents are unaware of their child's needs. Keeping a close eye on your child's reactions and behaviour can be the best way to monitor possible underlying problems with school work. Below are a few key signs that m...

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Customer services and online writing/marketing opportunities

by Anita

Dear customers,

We're looking for new talent to help us take First Tutors forward!

Would you be interested in:

- Answering customer enquiries by email (this would be families or tutors looking for help) - Moderating our forums (allowing and blocking some content where required)


A marketing ...

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How to deal with exam stress

by Emily

It doesn't matter how old you are or whether you're taking SATs, GCSEs or A-levels - exam stress can affect everybody. It is completely natural and understandable that you would suffer from stress: after all, there's a lot of work to be done, and your exam results can have a huge bearing on your fut...

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5 online resources for Biology tutors

by Emily

Students of Biology don't need to restrict their exam revision to the lab. There are lots of handy online resources that private tutors and home tutors can access to help their Biology students brush up on the subject. Here's our pick of the bunch:

1. Mark Rothery's Biology Website. Mark is a scien...

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