How to learn more in 2023

by Anita Naik

It's human nature to seek out information that corresponds with our beliefs, so listening to alternative and new points of view allows you to think critically about what you believe. Podcasts are a brilliant way to do this as they expose you to the theories and beliefs of thought leaders in every field.

Try Ways To Change the World Krishnan Guru-Murthy talks to the brightest figures in tech, politics, economics, science, business, arts, and culture to explore their work and ask one big question: what's their big idea to improve the world? Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History is a fascinating self-contained story covering topics ranging from basketball free throw shots to college rankings. The idea is to take another look at past events and reassess them with the benefit of hindsight.

Enlist the help of an expert

If you're keen to improve your knowledge in a specific area, learn something new, perfect a skill or even learn something from scratch, you can't go wrong enlisting the help of a tutor. Despite the idea tutors are for academic subjects only, there are, in fact, tutors who can help you with everything from public speaking, law and HR, all forms of dance, music, and photography and fine art.

For more information on learning more, see our posts on Top 10 Podcasts to listen to the Benefits of learning artistic skills and Learning a new language.