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Online Physics and Chemistry Tutor

Hi there. My name is Vicki and I was a Vice Principal and teacher of Science at a high school in Leeds but am currently on maternity leave. My degree is in Chemistry but I taught Biology and Physics to GCSE level for 15 years. I'm a great advocate of giving young people the tools to succeed in whatever they put their mind to.

Please get in touch to find out my specific availability as I understand the need to be flexible.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching 15 years and when it comes to exam time, I enjoy giving private tuition so I can really make a difference! I have tutored students in small groups and individually to increase their confidence and enjoyment in Science which means they always achieve their potential.
I have experience teaching students with additional needs and English as an Additional Language. I love making students feel successful which in turn makes them love Science.

Tutoring Approach

I understand the stresses of revision and exams and have a good knowledge of the best ways to learn and remember information as well as apply it. I try to mix it up to keep even the most boring topics, more exciting!
Not being at school for a long time because of the pandemic has really taken its toll on young people and I am here to catch students up and prepare them for their next step in education.
I really enjoy teaching small groups as it enables me to build a rapport very quickly and get to know students so I can personalise their learning experience.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Open University2012PGCEScience
University of Leeds 2011BachelorsBSc Chemistry (hons)
Department for education2014QTSQualified teacher status

Vicki's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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