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I am currently a second year Mathematics student in Imperial College London. I grew up in Shanghai, graduated from SFLS and left China for Westminster for 16+. I have an IELTs score of 8.0 with 9s in reading and listening and 8.5 in speaking, so there is no need to worry about my English skills.

I did Mathematics, Further mathematics, Physics and Economics in my time in Westminster, graduated with 4 A*s. My MAT(Maths Admissions Test for Oxford, Imperial and Warwick) score was 82 (out of 100). STEP II score was 1.

After Westminster I came to Imperial for further studies in Mathematics, going decently well so far.

Tutoring Experience

I have done volunteering in Westminster tutoring primary school children for two terms, so I have experience with children. I am currently tutoring one A-level mathematics, receiving decent feedback. I have also been a paid assistant tutor in a tutoring agency, Weixun, for two weeks.

Tutoring Approach

For mathematics I believe that understanding the fundaments is the most important part of the course. Practice of questions allows students to know what to do for a question in a very short time and acknowledge different types of questions, but understanding of the basics allows them to know what to do when they come across a problem they have never met before.
Both are very important but I believe the first students are capable of doing on their own, but the understanding is when the importance of a tutor shows. I tend to use a teacher-centred approach in the first half of the lesson to give students a better understanding of the topic, then return to the child-centred format so students can give me feedback and do some questions.

For English and Mandarin, I teach them as a foreign language. I will accommodate to the students' level to decide the contents of the lessons.

LanguagesChinese, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Westminster School 2021SchoolMathematics Alevel
Acabridge college2022SchoolFurther Mathematics Alevel
Westminster School 2021SchoolPhysics Pre-U
Acabridge college2022SchoolEconomics A-levels
Westminster School 2021SchoolFurther Mathematics Alevel
Westminster School 2021SchoolPhysics Pre-U
Westminster School 2021SchoolEconomics Alevel

Xiaoyi's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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