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I am a partner of a high street law firm and head of the litigation department. I practice in all area of contentious law including civil litigation and family law.

Additionally, during my education, I published several articles on maritime and insurance law.

I have an LLM from the University of Southampton in Maritime Law and I achieved a good Upper Second Class Honours (2:1) in my LLB. This included several assessments to a First standard, including my dissertation.

I also studied A level law and am happy to tutor law to any level, up to and including post graduate study.

During the course of my education, I have encountered many aspects of law and have excellent academic and practical knowledge of the majority of aspects that you are likely to encounter in A level or undergraduate level.

My clients and former academic tutors have stated I have a friendly approachable manner in explaining topics and I was encouraged to become a lecturer by my alma mater.

In particular, I have extensive knowledge of Civil Litigation Practice, Contract Law, Land Law (including Landlord and Tenant), Tort Law, Criminal Law, Employment Law, Maritime Law, Insurance Law, and Human Rights Law.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught many students at A level and University level in the years since my studies and have always received excellent feedback and fantastic results. I try to tailor my tutoring to the individual student's needs where possible.

My teaching experience ranges from extensive, detailed teaching of each subject from scratch to more of an overview for exam preparation. I also often help students structure and refine their essays.

Tutoring Approach

Law can be extremely complicated and during the course of my degrees, I have learned that the key is to keep it simple and accessible in bite-sized chunks. Law can be very easy once you understand the basic rules and exceptions. I, therefore, ensure my students understand the basic concepts before we moved on and considered the more advanced research or reading.

I personally own many textbooks, including some practitioners works (such as Arnould on Marine Insurance), for most subjects you are likely to encounter. However, I would suggest learning from the student's own resources as these tend to be more specifically suited to their syllabus.

I also have access to extensive legal resources through my work as a solicitor, although these tend to suit practical assessments such as the LPC, rather than academic ones.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Southampton2011MastersLLM in Maritime Law
Southampton Solent University2010BachelorsLLB
Taunton's College, Southampton2007CollegeA Level Law, History, Computing and Critical Thinking
Bellemoor School, Southampton2005School10 GCSEs at A-C

Serhan's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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