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I am a creative teacher who loves finding new ways to inspire students to increase their understanding, think critically about what they have learned and take increasing personal responsibility for their learning.

As an examiner and head of department, I have analysed the specification in fine detail to ensure that I know exactly what the exam boards expect from students and identified the subtle differences between satisfactory and good answers.

I find my own inspiration in seeing students grow new motivation to study and gain the confidence and insight to think like an examiner.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught A Level Psychology since 2002.

In that time, I have taught, tutored and examined several Psychology specifications including the current AQA and EDUQAS specifications.

I have also been an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) co-ordinator, taught Critical Thinking, been an author for major publishers and supported students in higher education.

In 2017, I was granted Chartered Psychologist status by the British Psychology Society for my contribution to the teaching of the subject. I have been complimented on the highly supportive resources I develop to assist my students.

Tutoring Approach

I begin by identifying the student's strengths and weaknesses, then focus on the specific areas that the student needs to improve.

I use exam-style questions from the very beginning, so that students gain complete familiarity with the format and style of questions they will face, gain the confidence to interpret challenging questions and learn the techniques to achieve the highest marks.

By concentrating on questions, I also ensure that students focus their attention on the knowledge that they need and use their time as efficiently as possible.

With their growing familiarity, students become more confident to think critically about the subject, see links between topics and develop the skills they need to achieve the higher grades.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Exeter University2005PGCEPGCE (Post Compulsory Education)
Glasgow University2000DoctoratePsychology and Human Computer Interaction
Edinburgh University1995MastersCognitive Science
Sussex University1992BachelorsDevelopmental Psychology

George's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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