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Maths and Entrance Exams Teacher in Lymm

Following success as a classroom teacher, school maths/science coordinator and Deputy Headteacher, I became the Headteacher of a primary school followed by a further headship in a junior school. I now have many years experience of tutoring very successfully on a one-to one and in small groups.

Tutoring Experience

Throughout my career I have always maintained a passion for teaching. I am aware of the latest educational approaches that maximise pupil progress. For the last few years I have also been working in primary schools (National Tutoring Programme) with small groups and individual pupils – the positive impact of which has been significant with all the children I have worked with showing measurable improvements by exceeding the target grades set by the schools. I tutor 'catch up' and confidence building for all ages throughout primary maths, SAT's preparation and 11+ entrance examinations.

Tutoring Approach

My aim is to make the process of learning enjoyable. Pupils need to be challenged and made to think – we only remember what we think about! Learning needs to be tailored to the specific needs of the pupil as this approach leads to longer term and more sustainable improvement. There are many benefits to tutoring which include building children's confidence, removing distractions, improving focus and providing immediate feedback.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Birmingham University1982BachelorsDegree
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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