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My name is Anastasia, I'm a Biomedical Scientist, with a master's and PhD. All these titles are an elaborate name for specialised areas of science and particularly biology. Therefore my tutoring subject is biology. I am extremely passionate about biology and science in general and feel that every child and student should have the opportunity to explore these subjects from an interesting, relevant and current prospective and be given the opportunity to grow interested in them.
I am bubbly, approachable and very committed, therefore, I can guarantee I will give my 100% to ensure every student has the correct tailored guidance and support to gain knowledge and most importantly confidence and study methods that are applicable to all other subject they are studying. I have worked with children for the past 12 years in various environments including summer camps, activity and homework clubs, teaching in a high school and private tutoring. I therefore feel I have a good understanding of children's needs and attitudes from ages 6-18 and which enables me to communicate and connect effectively with the students which aids their success in their academic progress.

Tutoring Experience

I have been a private tutor for the past 7 years teaching biology from Y7 science to A-level biology and college Health Care Diploma. I have also taught in a school as a substitute science and biology teacher, from Y7 up to and including A2 biology. I have extensive experience with tutoring techniques in person but I have also adapted my tutoring to an online set up which does not compromise the quality of teaching, including hardware to enable virtual drawings and annotations from both students and myself. Along side my private tutoring experience I have also worked in an after school homework club for 3 years, I have taken part in scientific engagement events throughout university, and I have been a part of student-tutor projects tutoring in schools.

Tutoring Approach

I teach students to understand and like the subject above all and then the rest follows. Once understanding of a topic is in place, answering the questions correctly and beginning to like and enjoy the subject are a natural consequence. My success with students in the past is not just due to my knowledge in my subject fields. I feel the key ingredients are understanding the students needs, tailoring the teaching approach that suits them best, being able to relate to each student as each age group will have a different attitude to learning and this will also effect self confidence. And finally communication is key! My approach is based strongly on the appropriate method to communicate the information, whether this is flow charts, game, quizzes or illustrated visually or even using physical means such as magnets and various objects. The combination of tailoring needs and understanding the student all enable me to convey and communicate the information effectively for each student. Finally two of the most important aspects that underpin every lesson are building self confidence and self belief and teaching students how to learn and study. These are two fundamental elements that I find drives a students success and not only in the subjects I teach but across their studies in general.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Greek
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Cardiff university 2015BachelorsBSc Biomedical Sciences and Anatomy
Cardiff university 2017MastersMSc Tissue Engineering

Anastasia's Feedback

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