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I am a self-employed IT consultant and tutor. Previously I worked for over 20 years in IT and software development, mainly in the education sector.
I have a passion for acquiring knowledge and sharing it with others. I am interested in Mathematics, Science, Philosophy and Theology amongst other things.
I'm a committed Christian who loves to help and support others, whatever their background or ability.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring since 2021, teaching a variety of students both in-person and online. It has been a joy to see many of them improve over time and succeed in their exams.
I have experience at all levels of the school curriculum, but mainly at KS4 and KS5.

Tutoring Approach

I have a relaxed but purposeful style. I try to see the world through the eyes of my students, and tailor my lessons to suit their unique outlook.
I am patient and supportive, knowing that sometimes the concepts need explaining from many different angles before the penny drops.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Welsh
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Portsmouth University1999BachelorsElectronic and Electrical Engineering
The Open University2015BachelorsNatural Sciences (Physics)

Alun's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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