Blog Posts tagged Grammar

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Combat text speak with English tuition

by Emily

A good command of the English language is vital for success - not just at work, but in everyday life too. Unfortunately, many young people struggle with English and find themselves unable to spell, construct sentences or use grammar correctly. Some one to one tuition in English can help to correct a...

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The rise and fall of the semicolon

by Emily

The first recorded use of the semicolon in English is in 1591; its cause was then championed a few years later by The Alchemist author Ben Johnson. Since then it has fallen out of common usage, superseded largely by a dash, but the rules governing it are relatively simple, and once grasped it can be...

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The purpose of prepositions

by Emily

Prepositions relate different items to each other. In English, many prepositions have numerous meanings depending on the context in which they are used. When a verb is followed by a preposition, it is often clear which one must be used, e.g. "rely on", "speak to". However, when a choice of prepositi...

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How to use an apostrophe

by Emily

There are two uses for an apostrophe: one, to denote a contraction; the other to denote possession.

Over the years, several words have contracted to make them easier to pronounce. "It's" is a contraction of "it is", just as "can't" is a contraction of "cannot". Apostrophes are inserted to mark the ...

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5 common grammatical errors

by Emily

Private tutors don't need to worry too much these days about checking their students' spelling because most work is completed using programmes such as Microsoft Word that have built-in spell-checkers. As long as these are set to UK English (instead of the default American English setting!) they do a...

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