Joe and Ivan: Learning Together

Tracey's son Joe was having trouble learning in a school environment, but thanks to a First Tutor he's back on track and set to pass his exams.

My son Joe wasn't getting the right attention he needed from school. He had no interest in any of the academic subjects, as he knew his future career was in farming and nothing at school catered for this passion. His attendance was low and this was causing major problems for me. The school, I must admit, did try to get him more involved: he was a really popular lad with teachers and pupils, but just there aren't as many kids as focused on what they want to do as Joe, especially not for something like farming.

The answer was private tuition. I found the First Tutors website and discovered it very easy to use, which was great given that I'm a bit of a technophobe! The good thing was, I didn't have to pay anything until I was sure I had found the right tutor. I was worried in the beginning that I was doing it all wrong, I didn't know who to contact first, his school or a tutor. I chose the tutor first and I'm glad I did: after sending a request to Ivan, and getting a great response, it reassured me I was making the right decision. He made the process so easy.

The first meeting was great: we just sat down and talked, all three of us. We instantly hit it off, and within ten minutes of talking to Joe, Ivan could see the issue he had with school. At last, someone understood us! Ivan was really impressed with Joe, as he is very mature for his age and gets on with adults better than children. Once we'd finished, for the first time he was actually looking forward to learning.

Ivan now comes to the farm to teach Joe Maths and English, as well as preparing him for the Farming Diploma. That is a course Ivan uncovered himself actually, which I found very impressive: Joe and I didn't even know the course existed. It shows me that Ivan understood what Joe and I were trying to achieve.

The two of them have a great ongoing relationship. Joe has taught Ivan a few things about farming, like working the land and looking after animals. They are both enjoying what they teach each other.

Also, Joe's character has changed for the better. Now, because he is happy with his learning and working, he is up and out of bed at 5.30am; whereas before, when he had to go school, I couldn't get him motivated to get up for love nor money. We have about 150 acres and we farm sheep and cattle. We have just finished lambing and I must admit, I wouldn't have been able to cope with the work load if Joe had been at school and Ivan hadn't been tutoring him.

So thanks to Ivan and First Tutors, we are all happy. I think Joe may ask Ivan to add another subject to his learning regime later in the year. Thank you for all your help, First Tutors you are a life saver!