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Online Maths and Physics Tuition

I am a graduate in Physics from the University of Manchester who wants to use my passion for physics to teach others the fundamental maths and physics topics that were the basis for much of my learning throughout my time at University.

Tutoring Experience

I have experience in tutoring from teaching GCSE students maths and physics at my school while I was studying for my A levels.

Tutoring Approach

I believe the best way to help students to understand a topic is by including them in the process of explaining a concept by asking them questions to try and prompt them to make leaps of understanding themselves before having it fully explained. I think that it can often be necessary for more complex topics to have multiple ways to explain it as different pupils vary in what helps their understanding best.

I believe the best way for pupils to then demonstrate and reinforce their understanding of a concept is through the practice of appropriate level exam style questions with helpful hints only if necessary.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Manchester2022BachelorsPhysics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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