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I am fully qualified and dedicated teacher. People know me as a problem solver! I analyse my students very well and identify their weaknesses quickly. Then, we work together towards success!

With positive and professional support, everything is possible. I am confident in Maths and Chemistry. I teach topics using powerful revision techniques and support my lessons with proper homework. I am a big believer that students learn the best when they love the subject. I help students to build interest around the subject matter. The more students like my lessons, the higher grades they get.

Let me help you/your child and you will see a big difference in a short time.

Tutoring Experience

I have a total of 14 years teaching experience including 7 years at public and private schools. I am tutoring students since 2016 and preparing them for exams, the new GCSE system.

Tutoring Approach

My aim is helping students to reach their potential. I endeavour to fulfil my students’ needs by increasing their confidence and understanding with dedicated tutoring sessions. Every student is individual and therefore they need unique and appropriate types of methods in learning. I am confident in teaching Science and Maths, I am eager to make change in my prospective students' learning habits with enthusiasm.

LanguagesEnglish (British), English (American)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Overseas Trained Teacher2016QTSQualified Teacher
Ege University, Turkey2015ProfessionalPedagogical Proficiency Certificate
Florida Department of Education, USA2012ProfessionalProfessional Educators Certificate
Adnan Menderes Univeristy, Turkey2008BachelorsScience Degree with a major in Chemistry
Rating from 2 references


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