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Online English and English (Foreign Language) Lessons

Hi, my name is Rowen and I am am currently completing a masters degree in Applied Linguistics. I love letters and language, everything involved. I study linguistics and the more technical side of communicating and writing but read lots of poetry and literature in my free time.

Tutoring Experience

I have 2 years teaching experience. The first year was collected over my summers during my undergraduate degree, teaching in person classes one on one and in large groups in Poland and Romania. My second year of teaching experience has been gathered completely online teaching children and adults in China, in groups of one to six.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching approach is calm and different for each student. Learning new things can seem overwhelming and stressful, so it is important to work up one step at a time and grow at the speed catered towards you. We will figure out together what you need from me and then I will structure lessons that fit your needs, for me one of the most important things to gain is confidence, which does not need to be rushed.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Glasgow University2020BachelorsMA(Hons) in English Literature and Language
Tefl.Org2020Other168 Hour TESOL Qualification
Premier Tefl2017Other120 Hour TEFL Qualification
Rating from 3 references


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