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I am a friendly and polite person. I always strive to help the future generation to reach their life goals and dreams.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught since 2011 and gained vast experience and was an exam marker for AQA in 2019.
I have taught at KS3 physics, biology and chemistry and still continue to do this.
I have taught KS4 biology and chemistry and still continue to do this.
I am currently teaching KS4 physics.
I also teach triple physics to the more able students which allowed me to get a few students to obtain grade 9.
I am a KS4 science coordinator which allows me to assess what contents to put in to assessment papers for students.

Tutoring Approach

Making sure pupils understand the basics and then getting pupils to do exam technique questions. Building the young adults confidence about life in general and getting them to believe in themselves and encouraging them to know anything can be achieved through hard work and never giving up.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Gujarati
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


EdgeHill2012PGCEPGCE Secondary Science Teaching
University of Salford2004BachelorsBiological Science
Rating from 2 references


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