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Online Maths Lessons

Hi! I am a PhD physics student at the University of Cambridge, primarily studying many-body quantum physics and collective phenomena. I am a physicist and an electrical engineer by training, having studied theoretical physics at Imperial College London and electronic engineering at University College London, both at master's level.
Mathematics has always been my favorite subject and has underpinned the vast majority of my work during my academic career. To that end, I am passionate about mathematics education at A level and beyond. I am offering tutoring services for A Level Mathematics, A Level Further Mathematics (and other mathematics curricula at a similar level such as IB Mathematics), as well as mathematics for beginning physics and engineering undergraduate students.

Tutoring Experience

I have previously worked with Lucan Education as a mathematics tutor during the 2018-2019 academic year, where I tutored students taking their A Level Mathematics examinations in pure/core mathematics and mechanics. I have studied A Levels before starting university (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry), and achieved a grade of A* in all of my A level subjects. As such, I have a lot of experience with the style of questions that are typically asked in A Level Mathematics exam papers, as well as the exam technique that is required to perform well in the exam.
Moreover, alongside my PhD in Physics at the University of Cambridge, I will also work as a teaching assistant for a number of highly mathematical undergraduate physics modules. Overall, studying physics, engineering, and mathematics for the past six years has given me a lot of insight into how mathematics can be better taught at A level and undergraduate level, and I hope to use this experience to help you prepare for your A Level Mathematics exams!

Tutoring Approach

My approach to teaching A Level Mathematics/Further Mathematics is flexible and is tailored according to the student's/parents' requests. I will typically ask you for the list of topics you would like to cover beforehand, and will work through problems and examples in the relevant chapter in your textbook, highlighting and explaining mathematical concepts that might be unclear to you along the way.
I also place emphasis on past papers and past paper questions for relevant topics early on in the academic year. From my personal experience, familiarizing yourself with exam style questions and general exam technique early on can really come a long way and will make you very well prepared for the final exam! The only way to learn mathematics is to solve and practice as many problems as you can. For this reason, problem solving will typically take center stage in my classes.

LanguagesEnglish (American)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Cambridge2021DoctoratePhD in Physics (Starting 2021-2022) - Postgraduate
Imperial College London2019MastersMaster of Science in Physics with Extended Research - Postgraduate
University College London2019MastersMaster of Engineering in Electronic and Electrical Engineering - Undergraduate
Rating from 2 references


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