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Leeds Music Tutor

Looking to help someone start or progress their guitar journey! Played guitar for 15 years and have experience playing live and writing/recording my own music. I love to play and listen to music with other people and enjoy teaching others and sharing my passion. I can help you to learn basic to intermediate techniques, chords, songs and also help you write your first song! I like the feeling of being inspired and allowing someone else to pursue a new hobby and enjoy the process! I playing anything from blues, rock, pop, acoustic and some metal. I also play piano, ukulele and sing.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught 3 friends guitar who started guitar during lockdown this year. I have also played with 2 friends that were already well trained guitar players and managed to encourage them to improve their technique and 'feel' while playing. I use a laid back organic approach where enjoyment and satisfaction is key. I don't have a music degree, however my passion throughout life has always been music and I'd love to help somebody learn!
I started learning piano and theory at 5 years old and music has always been a big part of my life. I was in a band at the age of 9 and have a had other music projects and live experiences as I have grown up.

Tutoring Approach

I am passionate about the process and put value in understanding what inspires each student. Finding what inspires them to learn allows me to tailor my approach and teaching style to make sure they feel like they're getting the most out of their guitar journey! Music should be fun!
I will teach students the basics that will allow them to learn riffs, chords and songs that they enjoy playing or listening to. I will support their learning with chord charts and other learning materials to aid their learning potential.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Leeds Beckett University2018BachelorsBSc in Sports and Exercise Science
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
First lesson is free!
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