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Online French Lessons

Hello, I'm Martha! I have studied French from secondary school up to degree level. Across various levels of my studies, I have lived in French speaking countries intermittently for 3 years, working as an Au Pair and a classroom assistant for the British Council. My time in France allowed my speaking skills to flourish, as well as gain insight into the culture, picking up nuances in the language. Although I do not use my language skills in my current job, I have never lost the passion for it, therefore would love to help those still learning.

Tutoring Experience

As part of my university year abroad in France, I worked in Grenoble as a classroom assistant. Here, I ran English conversation classes, in doing so used my French skills to keep the pace of the class flowing. As an Au Pair, I worked with young children to build their language and communication skills.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is a supportive nature to build confidence and give students the correct tools to learn and develop their French. By interacting in French, I hope to reinforce established linguistic foundations and help my students adapt these skills to future academic projects.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Manchester Metropolitan University2017BachelorsBA(comb) Hons Business andFrench Studies
Nottingham Trent University2019MastersReal Estate
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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