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Online Chemistry Lessons

A fully qualified and experienced teacher .My focus as a tutor is to improve my students’ learning experience. This results in more confident students able to achieve higher grades

I have endless patience and a passion for chemistry and for making this difficult subject understood and loved as much as I do.

I do this by breaking it down, giving it context and real work examples to help students connect with the subject .

I enjoy helping students break down barriers and misconceptions and seeing them grow in confidence as their understanding develops.

Tutoring Experience

I have 17 years of teaching experience in secondary comprehensive education.

I have extensive experience of teaching chemistry both as triple and combined science GCSE , and A level chemistry in AQA and OCR and EDEXCEL specifications .

As an experienced classroom teacher I can bring in methods and techniques to help students understand how they learn and help them to remember the content by using metacognition and retrieval practice techniques.

I am an experienced GCSE chemistry examiner and this gives me an insight into common mistakes and misconceptions.

I have been tutoring part time alongside my teaching career for the last 5 years and more recently this has become my full time profession.

Tutoring Approach

I am very much about building confidence in my tutees .

Helping them to build links and make connections.

And then using that approach to help them apply their knowledge to answering exam questions ,
building skills and offering tips and techniques.

I offer 1;2;1 sessions and small group sessions

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Robert Gordon University1999BachelorsBSc Hons Applied Chemistry
University of Leicester2016QTSPGCSE in secondary education
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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