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Maths Tuition in Berkhamsted

In addition to my teaching experience, I spent 25 years working in IT in the corporate world. This supports my online tuition offering.
I am married with a 24 yr old daughter who is in her first graduate job and an 18 yr old son at university.
In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, walking, mountain biking and theatre.

Tutoring Experience

I taught maths and computer science in a Nottingham comprehensive school for 6 years. I have been tutoring maths part-time for the past 13 years, mainly at GCSE and A-level (inc. A-level Further Maths). Generally, I manage to improve students' performance in exams grades by 2 or 3 grades for 1 year's study and have enabled many Year 13 students to gain entrance to their first choice university when they were not going to be able to go to university at all.

Tutoring Approach

With any new student, I begin with an assessment which may be formal or informal. I always also ask the student to categorise topics covered in school in the past 2 years as green, amber or red. Then I devise a program for the student.
Often I begin by checking or reprising basic numeracy.
I base my program on the student's current understanding rather than on what their school is currently covering. Generally I cover topics more slowly than in school, preferring to stick with a topic until it is thoroughly grasped. Whilst I do not attempt to track the coverage in the student's school class, I always offer the student the option to diverge from my program if they are worried about their current topic in school. I also revise topics covered earlier in the year.
I use resources from a number of textbooks, depending on how they cover particular topics. I also have a broad range of worksheets, assessments and theory notes which I have written myself.
I set homework every week and ask for it to be submitted in time for me to assess it , comment and return it before the next lesson.
I have taught pupils of all ages (7 yrs to adult) and have also taught young people on the autism scale.
I have been teaching online using a combination of software packages since March 2020. Students have found this both effective and convenient and now generally prefer it to face-to-face.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Manchester Universisty1985MastersM Sc Computer Science
Trent University1986PGCEPGCE
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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