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Private Music Tutor in North Ferriby

I am a classical guitarist and jazz pianist. My whole life has been revolved around music. Music was a serious career path when I was accepted to study at Chetham's school of music in Manchester aged 12, from there i gained valuable knowledge and was accepted to study at the Royal college of Music as a scholar aged 18 graduating with a Bachelor of music degree in 2017 and a Masters degree in 2020. I've taken part in numerous performing projects over the years. Royal festival hall, Kings place, Bridgewater Hall are some of the venues I've performed at. I like to have a good balance between teaching and performing!

Tutoring Experience

I have 10 years experience teaching piano, guitar, aural, theory, and general music classes in numerous primary schools around London, Hampstead Fine Arts College, and many private students ranging from children to retired adults with beginner to advanced abilities. I also took an in depth teaching module as part of my bachelors degree at the Royal College of Music on the art of teaching.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is always to keep the student inspired and passionate about playing their instrument. It can be hard to maintain the dedication required to improve and I feel that I am good at adapting to each individuals needs depending their specific situation in life and character. My plan is tailored to each student and I think usually variety of technique based work, theoretical knowledge, varied musical styles and appreciation of music in children specifically is the key to longevity in learning and appreciating music. The most important factor is to always maintain enjoyment and so plans are always subject to change and I use my experience and instinct to do whats best for each student on any given week.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Royal College of Music2017BachelorsBMus (Bachelor of music)
Royal College of Music2020MastersMPerf (Masters in performance)
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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