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Private French and Spanish Tutor in Brighton

I'm a native French speaker and learnt English in a local secondary school when I moved to the UK in my early teens. As a qualified teacher this lived experience has helped me to empathise with my students over the years. I always take into account each learner's needs and individual ways of processing information. Teaching languages is a passion of mine and I enjoy updating my skills through research and courses so I can support my students to the best of my ability.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching English, French and Spanish to private students since January 2020 and teaching English to asylum seekers and refugees since 2005.

Tutoring Approach

I encourage my learners to engage in the learning process through a variety of fun activities and I like to use authentic audio and written materials in our lessons. Depending on my learners' needs/ preferences I also include songs and poetry.

LanguagesFrench, Spanish, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Open University2005BachelorsDegree in Languages
CAVILAM2021OtherEnseigner le Français Langue Etrangere Aujourd'hui
English Training Centre2011OtherTESOL
Rating from 3 references


Subjects taught
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