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I’ve basically always wanted to do something that made a difference and helped people. Put that together with the fact that I enjoy working with young people and that’s how I’ve ended up a teacher. I’m a dad and step-dad to several successful children, including doctors and PhD students. In my (rare these days) spare time, I like to climb, kayak, surf, bike or relax playing the guitar or on a hilltop somewhere.
Once upon a time I worked for a lot of years in environmental conservation, for a local Wildlife Trust saving the planet.
I don’t like not understanding why and how things work and happen and am naturally curious.

Tutoring Experience

I have been a teaching for 20-odd years. I currently lecture in Maths and English in SEND at a post-16 college. I have been a Deputy Head and Head of Science at a special school for children with Dyslexia, ASD and SEMH.
II previously spent 5 years as Head of Science in a mainstream (9-13) Middle School in Blyth.
I have taught Maths and all 3 Sciences to children ranging in age from 9 (primary) to post 16(GCSE level) and succeeded in supporting children who have serious literacy problems to access and pass the GCSE curriculum.
I have also taught ICT, PE and outward bound activities.

Tutoring Approach

My aim as a tutor is to help my students to achieve their maximum potential. To identify their areas of weakness, develop a deeper understanding of these areas and increase their confidence in tackling exam questions or their subject work. My teaching approach is founded on patience and depends on the learning ability and style of the pupil. I’ll try to find numerous ways to make any difficult concept understandable and memorable. I have found it best not to make assumptions about prior learning, so explain things from first, underpinning principles, if necessary, then I ask questions to ensure that the pupil have got it. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions at anytime during tuition.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


College of Teachers2007ProfessionalCert Ed Specific Learning Difficulties Level 2
University of Newcastle2001PGCEScience
University of Newcastle1993BachelorsPsychology

Andrew's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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