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Online Maths and English Lessons

Music student. Over the years of different styles of learning music at school and college, I've picked up on what knowledge is most important and how to retain it! I also have some strong GCSEs; grade 9 in English (Language, Literature) and Biology, 8 in Spanish, Music and R.E., and a 7 in Maths. (I can provide scans for the qualifications that the site didn't allow space for.)

Tutoring Experience

For the past four years, I've been tutoring a few primary school children in English and Maths. Has been a casual approach, but I've got the hang of observing my students' work styles, filling in gaps, and giving clear goals and weekly homework to work on. I'm known to be patient, so I only need my student's attention!

Tutoring Approach

Above all, I want to provide you with the motivation to learn. I finished school not too long ago so I know how difficult it can get - I'll be sure to give realistic advice for where you need and desire to be. We will get our bases strong with a deeper understanding of which skills a subject requires, and cut out any unnecessary frills. Confidence is key for further progression in any area of academics. By all means, specify which materials you would like me to teach from, and I will carefully evaluate what course of action is right for you, provided a little time. All greatly appreciated.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Malayalam
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Notre Dame High School2019SchoolEnglish GCSE (1 x Language, 1 x Literature)
Notre Dame High School2019SchoolMaths GCSE (Higher)
Notre Dame High School2019SchoolBiology GCSE (Triple Science)
City College Norwich2021CollegeMusic Performance and Production Level 3 Extended Diploma (awarded by UAL)
Notre Dame High School2019SchoolSpanish GCSE
Notre Dame High School2019SchoolReligious Studies GCSE
Rating from 2 references


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