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Amalia Mihaela

Amalia Mihaela

Private Online English and English (Foreign Language) Tuition

I am a qualified teacher in Romanian and English grammar and literature and am looking for an opportunity to use these skills in an ambitious and progressive school.
I am energetic, ambitious, and have developed a mature and responsible approach to my work career. I have excellent team working skills and always strive to achieve results to a high level. I am self-motivated, creative and I have a keen eye for detail.

Tutoring Experience

English Teacher in a secondary school in UK

Tutoring Approach

Personalized Learning for each individual

LanguagesRomanian, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Babes Bolyai University2016BachelorsBachelor in English and Romanian language and literature
Babes Bolyai University2016OtherTeaching Staff Department
Department for Education 2017QTSQTS
CPD 2021ProfessionalTEFL Foundation
Amalia Mihaela
Rating from 2 references


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