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Music Lessons in Bristol


I’m a professional musician working in theatre and live music for the past 7 years playing in a number of shows such as Wise Children at the London Old Vic and Jane Eyre at the National Theatre. I’ve also toured nationally with a number of bands.

My first instrument is the double bass and I play and teach both classical and jazz styles. I also play electric bass and electric guitar and can teach a more rock and pop focused student as well. I have degree in performance and composition with a focus on bass and guitar.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching Bass and Guitar for the last three years alongside performing and touring. I have taught both children and adults.
I have also ran workshops for college students in sound design and composition for theatre.

Tutoring Approach

As a teacher, I aim to help students to develop their skill, fluency and technical ability by looking at the music they like and finding ways of teaching them through that, whether thats classical music, Jazz and rock or pop and showtunes.
I ask the student to send me examples of their music taste so I can make lesson plans based around this.
I can also teach in a more traditional way, working through grade books and gaining those qualifications as well if that is of interest.

Whichever route a student chooses, I will help you to develop better technique, fluency, aural skills, sense of harmony, music theory and most importantly, a passion for your instrument!

I help students develop their knowledge of music theory as part and parcel of my teaching method. I believe music theory is most engaging and learnt most effectively in an applied sense as part of learning any piece of music, so this always forms part of the musical discussion. I can also help with additional theoretical studies for music theory examinations to aid GCSE's, A levels or for composing.

I work as a producer and can offer advice and tutoring in basic music technology, teaching students how to record in a home studio and editing via music production software.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Brunel University London2016BachelorsMusic
ABRSM2013OtherGrade 8 Piano
Trinity College2014OtherGrade 8 Double Bass
Rating from 3 references


Subjects taught
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