Blog Posts tagged Study

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Tips to Try for Improved Focus

by Grace Dickins

All students need to know how to get "in the zone," how to achieve that state of intense concentration that we call focus. Distractions evaporate and your favorite pastimes are easily ignored when you're focused on one task. Successful focus is achieved by the right and left brain working together w...

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How To Boost Your Performance Under Pressure

by Grace Dickins

Studies indicate that more college students are struggling with stress, with one-third reporting symptoms of depression, according to the American Psychological Association. The prospect of student loan burdens in a sluggish recovery doesn't help. Increasing your ability to perform under pressure ma...

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A Guide to Evaluating Your Effort In School

by Christine Chadwick

At some point in many students' schooling grades may begin to fall. Courses that used to be fairly easy may transform to challenging as the material moves on to more difficult concepts. If you were an eager student who loved to push yourself to try new things the thrill of academics may have paled a...

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3 Tips for Studying Anatomy

by Christine Chadwick

The prospect of studying anatomy can induce stress in even the most confident student. Mastering these three tips for studying anatomy will benefit a student's anatomy grade and future courses. The three most important tips to ace anatomy are strong note taking skills, study skills, and time managem...

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How to Succeed If You Have To Cram For A Test

by Christine Chadwick

You should always do everything within your power to avoid cramming for a test: schedule study time every week, partner with someone who will keep you accountable, visit the teacher during office hours to ask questions about the material - whatever it takes. However, there are some times where you s...

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