Blog Posts under Gcses

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How to get into university with no GCSEs

by Anita Naik

Without GCSEs, it can feel like your chance to get into university is non-existent. However, this is not the case. The Functional Skills Qualifications can help you access higher education and space on a degree course. Here's what you need to know.

What is the functional skills qualification?


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7 ways to cope with exam stress

by Anita Naik

No matter how much revision you have done and how many past papers you have worked through, when it comes to sitting an exam, it's easy to let nerves get the better of you. While a little stress around exam time can be a good thing, too much can derail all your hard work. Here are 7 ways to help you...

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5 ways to improve on your mock results

by Anita Naik

Mock exam results are the most significant opportunity you get to evaluate where you are before your GCSEs and A-Levels take place in May. Your grades will not only show you what you need to do next but also what you need to work on. Here are 5 ways you can improve your results.

Experiment with you...Read more ›