How ABA Tutors Can Help Children With Autism

by Cassie Steele

More than 1 in 100 children have autism in the UK, recent statistics from Beyond Autism reveal. Many children with autism work with ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) tutors, who help them develop a wide range of basic skills, including, asking, listening, imitating, and looking, as well as more advanced skills, such as, conversing, reading, and adopting different perspectives. ABA tutors also work to decrease or eliminate certain unhelpful behaviours that make it difficult for children to learn. They essentially encourage healthy development and help children with autism reach their full potential.

Teaching important skills

ABA tutors typically provide SUPPORT FOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN WITH AUTISM alike. They can be a vital part of the overall support network that helps figure out the specific needs of children with autism and how best to help them. As such, ABA tutors help teach children behavioural skills using a system of rewards and consequences. For example, ABA tutors may help children learn to brush their teeth correctly and reward them for doing so.

ABA tutors also work to teach children desired behaviours and skills and get rid of unhealthy or unhelpful ones, such as emotional outbursts and tantrums. They may instead may instead help children learn how to sit quietly, express themselves with words, or wait for their turn at school, nursery, or when playing. Bear in mind, ABA tutors don't typically help children with autism develop things like emotional skills or imaginative thinking, and these skills still have to be taught by other methods.

How to become an ABA tutor

In the UK, there are no set requirements for becoming an ABA tutor. In fact, some parents are willing to hire tutors with no experience since experienced ABA tutors can be hard to come by. Parents may be more concerned with your general experience with working with children, how you interact with them and their child, and your overall empathy levels. However, the Registered Behaviour Technician (RBT) paraprofessional certification in behavior analysis may suit budding ABA tutors looking for a professional qualification — you'll need 5 GCSEs (including maths and English) to enroll. Additionally, some ABA tutors have MSc degrees in Behaviour Analysis.

Many parents are looking for competent ABA tutors to help their children. ABA tutors can play an essential role in helping children with autism develop various important skills and thrive. Find a Special Needs Tutor.