The 7 Benefits of Tutoring

by Anita Naik

Tutoring is on the rise, and it could be the answer you are looking for if you're after extra help for your child. The right tutor can help a student develop confidence, enhance study and learning skills and fulfil their potential. Here's what you need to know.

Tutoring provides a bespoke learning environment

The number one benefit of tutoring is to give a student a bespoke learning environment. One that is customised to match your child's needs, ability and learning style. Not only can sessions be tailored to the student's pace, but also their goals. The right match does all of the above and gives a student the space to talk openly about their work and challenges.

Tutoring gives a student continuous feedback

The continuous feedback that comes from working one on one with a tutor also benefits a student. Feedback is often provided, before (setting expectations), during (helping with understanding), and after a task (actionable, and applicable to current work). This ensures students feel competent, as they work to achieve their learning goals.

Tutoring improves confidence

For students who find it hard to speak up in class, ask for help and admit they have made a mistake, working with a tutor will support their learning and confidence. Self-belief is helped with individualised attention and instruction. Alongside this being in a one on one environment where there is just the tutor, a student is likely to feel more confident in expressing themselves and explaining what they do not understand about a particular subject. As a result a student will better understand the material being reviewed and feel more confident.

Tutoring helps with subject comprehension

Comprehension is about analysis and understanding. We can all read something but not understand what we have read; this can be down to how it's being taught, not comprehending the material or simple distractions that make us miss critical information. Often, new concepts and theories are rushed through quickly in a class setting making it hard for some students to grasp the material. Tutoring allows a student to go through the work at their own pace and voice what they are struggling with. This allows for your tutor to unpack each topic and only progress once your child has mastered it.

Tutoring benefits higher-order thinking

At the other end of the spectrum, tutoring is also for students who aren't being challenged enough within a subject and know they could do better. Again working one-to-one with a tutor can help a student delve into a topic in more detail, and start more challenging work that allows them to invest further in a subject. Tutoring will also help with higher-order thinking - the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that all students need.

Tutoring offers an escape from peer pressure

One of the most significant benefits to working outside of the classroom environment is the escape from peer pressure. The fear of being wrong, or making a mistake and even showing you are too smart, can hinder even the most capable of students. Working one on one with a tutor can help a student to feel more competent and able to stand up to peer pressure in the classroom.

Tutoring offers wider learning

Finally while tutoring focuses on all the main subjects, it also offers to extend learning to different subjects altogether. For instance, a student wanting to improve their graphic skills in illustrator can find a specialised graphics tutor as can a student wishing to learn SEO and web design tutor. This wide breadth of subjects also extends to subjects like marketing, finance and jewellery making - subjects not traditionally taught in schools and ones which many students would like to know more about.