A-Level resit revision techniques

by Emily

If your child is set to resit their A-Levels in January, there are a number of tried and tested techniques they can incorporate into their studies to make life that little bit easier for them.

First of all, the key to successful revision is organisation: make sure your child's revision notes are arranged in a usable format and they have easy access to any books or external sources they may need. This can save countless hours of frantic searching for last month's History essay or the Science workbook that was last seen "somewhere downstairs" a week ago.

In the event that your child is taking extra classes - or is working with a private tutor - for their upcoming A-level resits, encourage them to go back over all their notes shortly after the class has finished, so they know exactly what was covered and precisely what was said. Also, make sure they review the same notes before the start of their next lesson in that subject, and to draw up a list of any questions they need to ask their tutor or teacher.

Regular breaks are crucial when studying for A-Level resits, otherwise burn-out is a very real possibility. Set fixed times for your child to study so they don't feel it's an all-consuming task. Work with your child's teacher or tutor to set revision goals (small ones as well as large) and make sure you reward your child when those goals are reached.