Creative Writing GCSE Advice

Before we start to advise on how to tackle revision for your GCSE Creative Writing exam, it will probably be worthwhile to define what creative writing actually is. The official term 'Creative Writing' is used to distinguish certain imaginative or different types of writing as opposed to technical writing. Creative writing can be used to stimulate the mind as well as improve specific areas of fiction writing. In this case we will be looking at creative writing as an aspect of revision for your English GCSE exams.
People tend to assume that creative writing is relatively easy. This, in many ways, isn't strictly true. It takes a certain amount of skill to be able to structure a good piece of creative writing that is both easy and enjoyable to read.
When approaching GCSE revision regarding a piece of creative writing, there are a few things to be aware of:

  1. Jot down as much as you can about anything. Leave it and come back to it in a few hours to amend bits - as long as you write something in your revision for GCSE creative writing you will find that your ideas will begin to emerge.

  2. Write out your plot first and then put scenes in around it afterwards - know where your creative writing story is heading.

  3. If you start to feel a bit bogged down with it all don't be afraid to take a break! You will find that creative writing becomes a lot easier if you come back to it with fresh eyes.

General Advice

For your GCSE revision, you should be aware that the basics of creative writing are fiction, poetry and script writing. During you GCSE revision, try writing one of each every now and then to keep your creative juices going and so that you can get to grips with them all! At GCSE level you should do some research into what the advantages and disadvantages are producing creative writing in either the First person or the Third person as in "I did" or "He did". Go with the one that you feel most comfortable with. Once you have chosen one in your GCSE exam be careful to stick to it so that you're not changing all the way through.

Specific GCSE revision advice for Creative Writing

As with the rest of your GCSE revision, here are a few concepts to consider before you start:

  • Make a timetable - so that you can plan all your work well in advance.

  • Manage your time - make a schedule for your GCSE revision so you know where you are.

  • Concentrate - try your best to avoid any distractions.

  • Take breaks - there is no point overloading yourself with information that you will just forget.

  • Choose the best time to do your GCSE revision - when you know you will be at your full potential.

  • Use prompt cards to help with your GCSE revision in short spurts.

These will apply for all of your GCSE revision so remember to keep them in mind throughout your revision period.
Good Luck!