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I am an active tutor based in Bowburn, just south of Durham City, and am a specialist in both Maths and Physics. I acquired my maths degree at 18 due to my unconventional education, and went on to study theoretical physics at Durham University, gaining the four-year MPhys in three years. Most recently, I completed my Ph.D. thesis on extrasolar planets.

Outside of maths and science, I am a published science fiction and fantasy author, and enjoy reading, writing, drawing, computer games, climbing, caving, and general adventure.

I offer tuition from my local community centre to ensure a suitable environment and the presence of other responsible adults at all times. Please be aware that I do need to charge for room hire costs at £4/hour in addition to my basic rate. I am fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and take precautions to avoid potential contamination between students.

Please note that during November and June I am extremely busy with additional work, and may take longer than usual to respond to requests!

AVAILABILITY NOTE: Due to the community centre having had to close on some days, I am now only able to offer in-person sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and correspondingly therefore prefer to book online sessions for Thursdays and Fridays where possible. I apologise for any inconvenience and hope to be back to my normal availability of any form of tuition on any weekday as soon as possible.

Tutoring Experience

I have experience tutoring at all levels, including preparation for GCSE and A-level exams with all three major exam boards, and also work with University students. Having been entirely home educated myself, I have a great deal of experience with home-schooling. Throughout my childhood, I was in the habit of explaining anything I found interesting to my school-taught contemporaries, usually with rapid success.

I have been a professional tutor for over five years, and have experienced success with students of all levels from GCSE to university, both face-to-face and online.

Tutoring Approach

There is no single approach to education that can suit all people. As I get to know a student, I adjust my style based around their strengths and weaknesses, finding whatever method works best for them. I focus on understanding rather than memorisation, as the correct understanding allows many formerly memorised items to be derived from first principles without difficulty, and is also far more useful in future life.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The Open University2005BachelorsMathematical Sciences
University of Durham2009MastersTheoretical Physics
The Open University2016DoctoratePh.D. "Extra-Solar Planetary Atmospheres and Interior Structure: Implications for Observational Signatures"

Victoria's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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