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Update April 2024. Hi everyone, once the current exam season is over at the end of June, I will have availability to take on new tutees. This can be over the summer holidays for anyone looking for support over the long break from school, or in preparation for next year. Please do get in touch and I would be glad to help.

I am a friendly, experienced and dedicated science tutor. The years of experience I have gained in the classroom as the deputy head of the department, and through 1:1 private tutoring, has given me great insight into the problems faced by many students. This allows a tailored approach to each tutee to maximise their attainment, whilst hopefully inspiring them and imparting a deeper understanding and enjoyment for the subject.

Tutoring Experience

I am currently the deputy head for science at a school in South London. With thousands of hours of teaching and tutoring experience, I have a deep understanding of the syllabus and what is expected in examinations. This includes the practical and mathematical skills expected at both GCSE and A-level.

Online tuition provides a reliable and easy way of learning from anywhere. With the progress in technology, many find it more convenient and I have taken the time to fully cater for this provision with shareable online resources and collaborative whiteboards.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to tutoring is both structured and thorough. Just as in the classroom, the lesson must flow smoothly between clearly linked activities complete with resources. However, the beauty of online tutoring is that there is far more flexibility for the tutee, with them able to ask for greater detail on certain areas or even completely change it half way through to focus on another area. It also allows the student to feel more comfortable by working in their own home at their own pace.

I will also work with students on independent study techniques, advise parents on any books that may be of use, and provide practice exam materials to apply their learning in the same way that they will be facing. This is to ensure that students become fully realised and educated learners in all aspects of their education.

My goal with each lesson is to not only prepare students for exams, but to truly gain a deeper understanding of the subjects that I am so passionate about.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


King's College London2017PGCEPGCE Science (Chemistry)
University of Birmingham2015BachelorsBSc Natural Sciences Hons 2:1

Jack's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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