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Private French and Latin Tutor in Bromyard

I met a young girl at a party; she had come having given up in despair on revising for her A Level History the following morning. I talked to her for an hour and she got A in the exam. That is probably more relevant than saying that I like singing in choirs, playing the guitar and watching and coaching sport. My wife is a trained nurse and actress, and a very good cook, and we live in Herefordshire after ten years in the south of France.

Tutoring Experience

I've had a long and interesting teaching career in Secondary and Primary Schools both state and independent, in the UK and as far afield as India. Outside the classroom I have done a lot of cricket coaching and was Vice Chairman of the Welsh Schools Cricket Association. This year (2022) I prepared three candidates for GCSE Latin. One of them was only 13, but they all passed, and one got Grade 9. Encouraged by this I now intend to offer GCSE Greek to clever children starting Y6, to be taken at the end of Y8.

Tutoring Approach

My first priority is to meet the needs of the tutee in terms of syllabus to be covered. In History I particularly enjoy supporting pupils with their 3000 word extended essay for which I use the magic bullet FRESCIPLACT, which it would take too long to explain here. In Latin I shall normally use the 'Easy Latin Book' I wrote for my prep school pupils, 'Le Manuel de M. Nicklin' for French and Mr Nicklin's Easy Greek Book for Greek.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Latin
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


RGS Worcester1961SchoolS Level History & Latin
Oxford University1964BachelorsHonours Modern History
Oxford University1965PGCEDiploma in Education
Nottingham University1972MastersMaster of Education

Hugh's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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