5 Elements of Winning a Science Project

by Sarah Adams

The elements of winning at a science project fair are really universal. While there is no standardised point system, judges base their scores on objectives, skills, data, interpretation and final presentation. Scores start out neutral and points are added and subtracted on these 5 elements to determine the final score.

Stating the Objective

Using the scientific method, the objective of a science project should clearly state the problem that you are trying to solve. It's sometimes referred to as "stating your purpose." Generally, the purpose of a science project is to answer a question or solve a problem. The question or problem should be specific and not broad. For example, instead of posing the question as, "What are the best conditions that plants grow in?" tighten it up with "Do plants grow better in shade, indirect sunlight or direct sunlight?" The more specific the objective is, the easier it is to establish a starting point for the experiment

.Demonstrating Good Scientific Skills

In order to demonstrate strong scientific skills, you must be knowledgeable about the technical aspects of the project. Did you design the experiment yourself? Did you perform the experiments yourself? In order to impress the judges and win, you'll need to know what you're talking about, the ins and outs of the experimental apparatus and equipment and the experimental data.

Ensuring Data Collection in a Scientific Manner

It's critical that your data collection is both professional and scientific. To display these factors, use a dated journal to record data as you perform the experiment. To portray the data as professional and reliable, repeat the experiment several times. This makes data collection more credible to the judges. Plus, it demonstrates organisation.

Providing Reliable Interpretation

Organize graphs and tables to display data collection. Both of these visual displays make it easier for the judges to understand the data. Keep in mind that there must be enough data to reach a credible conclusion. All data collection should be accurate. After all, science is all about proof.

Impressing with a Final Presentation

Don't use your display board as just a backdrop. Use it as a visual aid while the judges ask you about your specific science project. Even use it to answer the judges' questions knowledgeably. Every element on the board should look professional and stand out from others. Simply put, make sure it dazzles. Don't be afraid to add a bit of your own personality to the final finishes.

The final judging is a bit more subjective, but the judges really score on the totality of a science project. Use a scientific method, present accurate data, represent yourself as knowledgeable on the topic and put together a killer display board. All of these elements make the difference between a poor or great impression. Do them well, and you just might be the winner.

Tags: project presentation
Categories: Science