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Teaching Piano as a Home Based Business

October 17th, 2011 by Sara

This guest post was written by Dan, pianist and keyboard expert!

Teaching kids piano can be a great opportunity to work from home, especially if you have good piano training and experience. With the present state of the economy, more people are looking to use their skills as a way to earn additional income. One way that can be done is by taking a passion for the piano and turning it into a home based business.

What you are going to find with this approach, is the fact that you can operate from your home. This will reduce in the amount of gasoline spent to earn and helps to make your work environment one you are more comfortable in. Best of all, unlike a traditional business you are going to have a lower overhead that turns out to be very profitable.

The process is done by having students come into your home for lessons. This means individuals will come into your home and use a piano that you will have available for them to use. While this does mean an increase in foot traffic in your home, it also means that there will be no need for you to leave the home as you attempt to earn money.

Student often look to the piano teacher for guidance on playing specific pieces of music which is obvious. But less obvious, is often students will want advice on where to buy a piano keyboard.

As you do this process from your home, you will find that you have more time to do the things you love as well. For many people, having the chance to spend more time and focus on their home life can help relationships, while they in turn are earning an honest income through the teaching of piano in their home.

Best of all, you can set age limits and time restrictions on the clients that you are going to teach as well. Some teachers choose to only deal with adults, while others will blend children into the mix as well. What you will want to keep in mind is that depending on which age group of students you are considering, you will need to have different times available to them.

Kids piano lessons will normally take place during the late afternoon after school and on weekends. If you are trying to work around the schedule of your own children, this can prove to be very difficult to approach and time consuming. Adults in turn may require evenings and the weekends in most cases. However, you will find retired individuals and some self-employed students who can come during the day for their lessons. Just understand the hours you are willing to devote to this process and ensure that you stick with them to prevent it from consuming your time. While you can make the occasion variance, you will want to be sure that for the most part, you stick with the schedule at hand.

For this business to become a success, you do need to understand the particular styles of music you have the knowledge of playing and whether or not you can be considered as an expert in that genre. For example, some teachers excel at Jazz piano, while others do well with Blues or even Rock. If you have experience with these, you can potentially teach a student what they need to know and help them to advance their musical career in the process.

Of course, you are going to find that by teaching what you love, you are going to be able to have a greater impact with your students as well. This will also help for the business you are running to feel less like work and more like a chance to explore your creative side as you are making some income off the students that you end up teaching.

Since you are operating a business, you will need to ensure that you have it properly setup as well. This means keeping a ledger and keeping tabs on the money you bring in, versus the expenses that you might have. This will be important come the end of the year when you are getting ready to pay taxes and need to determine how much you are making over the course of the year, so you can report the proper amounts in this process as well.

There is no doubt that teaching piano as a home based business will be an exceptional choice for most people. You will need to ensure that you do have the proper tools on hand to be successful. This will include devices to ensure proper tuning of your piano. In addition to this, you will want to have a secure place setup for your students to come in and learn, without having to travel too much through your home as well. After all, any business should focus on the safety of the owner above all.

About the author: If you are looking for articles such as Yamaha YPG-635 reviews, a very popular keyboard, as well as other popular keyboards, then visit Dan's piano review site. Dan also has taught piano and has been a pianist for 42 years.

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