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Meet some of our Math Tutors

I have worked with students for years, helping me grow as an educator and develop the skills needed to connect with each pupil on an individualized basis. I don't want students to rely on me holding their hand to pursue their goals, so I encourage them to become independent learners as soon as possi...
I am an experienced math tutor who has all of the tools required to help students pursue academic success. My goal is to encourage all of my students to love learning through the realization that their goals are attainable if they go for them. I believe that education is the force that will propel u...
I am a math tutor who can help students with a variety of subjects, including General Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, and broader study and organizational skills. I am also comfortable helping students prepare for the Graduate Records Examination (GRE), especially its Quantitative Reasoning se...
I work presently in quality assurance for a software company. I'm also a mentor for an elementary school student. I believe my role as a tutor is to inspire as much as it is to educate; if I can instill positive values in my students and encourage them to value and appreciate education then I feel l...
I am a math tutor who feels comfortable helping students of all ages, but I especially enjoy helping students prepare for the SAT. I tutor because I find it incredibly rewarding to help students realize their full academic potential. I motivate my students in numerous ways, including incorporating h...
I offer tutoring in a number of different subjects. I am a math tutor, but I also help people with preparation for their SATs, and I tutor English at both the high school and college levels. I found helping people to be extremely rewarding and I try to impart positive values to the students that I m...
I am a professional engineer, math tutor, and have thirty years of experience leading multinational corporations. In addition, I have served as a member of a high-level government-based environmental group twice. I want to inspire my students and help them prepare for opportunities in the STEM field...
I am a math tutor committed to adapting lessons to visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning styles, or combinations thereof, rather than providing lecture-based sessions. I find students are more motivated and learn more effectively in environments that cater to their style of learning. Subjects I...
I believe strongly in the importance of education in shaping the future of the next generation by empowering young people to develop leadership skills and enabling them to better serve their community. By embracing diversity and listening to parents and students, we can build strong connections and...
As a math tutor, I work hard to support many students and make sure that they fully understand each concept before moving on to the next topic. One of my key goals is to make sure that no student is left behind, and I excel at helping learners get back on track. In addition to math, I can tutor econ...

Levels We Can Offer Math Tutoring In: Early Development Math, Elementary Math, Secondary Math, College / University Math, Casual Math

Why choose First Tutors: Canada for your Math tutor search Canada?

The First Tutors website is the most reliable resource to find through just one search the most suitable private Math tutor who match your personal needs, based on their hourly tuition fees and proximity to you. Math can be a really tough to master subject, but using a Math tutor can really make a difference!

Become a Math tutor in Canada!

Alternatively if you are a home tutor and would like to promote the private tuition you can offer in Math, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors: Canada or find out more about what we do here.

Call us today to connect with a top Math tutor:
+1 888 448 0296
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