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Percussion (Drums) Lessons in Reading

We help you search for a Reading percussion (drums) tutor. Percussion (Drums) tuition are the perfect way to start a fun new hobby, acquire a new skill and gain confidence in percussion (drums).

Meet some of our Reading Percussion (Drums) Teachers


Piano, Percussion (Drums), Bass Guitar
College: Level 3 Diploma in music performance and production (2008)
I am a 26 Year Old drummer/keys player. I studied a degree for the 3 years at The Academy of Contemporary music. My credits include playing Isle Of Wight Festival, Reading festival and many more venues across the uk. I specialise in styles such as R&B , Hiphop , Neo-soul , Pop and Jazz. I have over...


Percussion (Drums)
Other: Advanced Certificate in Music/Drums (2000)
'100% pass rate on graded music exams for over 20 years.' I am a professional musician and drum kit tutor with over 20 years experience performing, recording and teaching students of all ages and abilities. I have a keen interest in all areas of music and enjoy passing on my experience and enthusia...
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This is the best way to discover Reading percussion (drums) tutors in the UK, helping you find Reading percussion (drums) lessons close to you and Reading teachers to assist with any instrument like piano or guitar. We can help you find Reading percussion (drums) tuition or a one-to-one Reading percussion (drums) tutor to prepare for percussion (drums) exams and improve your percussion (drums) skills! We order Reading percussion (drums) teachers local to you by their lesson prices and distance from you.

If you are a percussion (drums) tutor and would like to offer percussion (drums) lessons in Reading or anywhere else across the UK, please register with First Tutors: Music or find out more about us here. Becoming a Reading percussion (drums) tutor is a fantastic way to re-affirm your own skills by providing percussion (drums) lessons while assisting others, all in the Reading area!

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