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Online College Study Skills / Essay Writing Tutoring - Australia

First Tutors: Australia helps you to find your preferred online College Study Skills / Essay Writing tutor in Australia.

Meet some of our Online College Study Skills / Essay Writing Tutors



Doctorate: Humanities (1997)
I am a trained and registered teacher in Humanities, English and Arts mainly and have a PhD. I also hold the Working with Vulnerable People card. I have also taught in other areas such as Dance. I worked in Curriculum Design for senior secondary and tertiary courses for 5 years, so have extensive...


Upper Coomera
Masters: Graduate Diploma of Adult & Vocational Education (Literacy & Numeracy) (2005)
I am a highly qualified, experienced academic writing coach and language educator with over 25 years' experience working with students and professionals. My areas of expertise include writing for university, TAFE, school assignments, IELTS / PTE / OET preparation, report writing and improving oral...


Masters: Business Analyst (2018)
A keen learner. Enthusiastic about sharing my knowledge with others. Expertise in Business, Commerce, Management and IT for Business and problem-solving. Active member with NGOs and Institutes. Guest faculty with several Institutes. Helping a lot of university students since, 4 years. I feel, to...


Masters: Master of Business Administration (2004)
I have extensive experience in finance, accounting, operations, governance and project management gained through a range of full time and consulting roles in the Financial Services (Banking and Insurance), Mining, Health, GOC, Local Government and Educational sectors. I have excellent communication...


Doctorate: PhD (2011)
Hi there! My name is Dr Edwardand I am a highly successful College and University Tutor of Social Sciences, Humanities including Philosophy and English. I have published widely in the social sciences and have an international reputation for high quality research. I have a PhD in Political Science, a...


Masters: Masters of Music- Distinction (2016)
Georgina has enjoyed teaching for several years after studying her Masters of Music, for which she received a Distinction. Georgina has been a violinist and pianist since childhood, and is also a choral singer. Her compositions have frequent performances in the UK. Georgina previously studied a Mas...


PGCE: Graduate Diploma of Education (2010)
I am and always have been passionate about teaching. Education is essential in understanding the world around us whilst heightening our skills and abilities. Mathematics, English and essay writing are all areas that I am passionate and trained within. I am a highly adaptive teacher that is able to c...


Doctorate: Doctor Of Philosophy (2019)
Hi! My name is Nathan and I am a university lecturer and freelance writer. I have a PhD in writing/design and love tutoring students of all ages. I am based in Adelaide, SA. I have tutored students for over 8 years at all stages of their education. My approach to tuition is flexible, structured...

This is the best site to find the most proficient online College Study Skills / Essay Writing tutors for your needs, and see their rates up front. College Study Skills / Essay Writing is difficult, but an online College Study Skills / Essay Writing teacher can really aid the task!

If you are an online College Study Skills / Essay Writing tutor wanting to offer lessons in College Study Skills / Essay Writing online, or any of our other subjects, register with First Tutors: Australia or learn more about us here.

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