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Past Blog Posts

Learning The Ukulele - A Stepping Stone to Reading Music

July 24th, 2019 by Cassidy Welling

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, British primary schools focused music teaching on singing, percussion and the one instrument that parents dreaded hearing - the descant recorder. They were cheap to buy and practically indestructible. Although the sound of London's Burning being played on a recorder was an acquired taste, the instrument helped with one thing - it could be used to teach children to read music. THE UKULELE GOES ONE STEP FURTHER than this - not only can it be played as a melodic instrument, but you can play chords too and even singalong. It's a very versatile instrument and easy to learn no matter what age you are.

The basic patterns of music

Learning the basic patterns of... Read More »

5 ways to create a great musical environment at home

December 14th, 2016 by Anna Michaelidou

Music plays a very significant part in a child's life and by creating a stimulating learning environment at home you will not only increase their engagement but provide them with a happier learning setting.

Children spend most of their time at home especially at a younger age and children learn by listening, copying and memorising. By creating a musical environment at home you are providing a great setting for your child's development.

Music has an extremely powerful influence on our emotions. Is it not true that when one of your favourite tunes starts playing on the radio your mood is instantly enlightened? This also applies to a song that can trigger a bad or sad memory and you just cannot bear to listen to it.

By sharing a musical environment at ho... Read More »

East Coast Musician of the Year 2016

May 24th, 2016 by Anna Michaelidou

The East Coast Musician of the Year Competition attracts both able students and those in the early stage of their musical development giving the competition its unique status within the regions musical calendar. It enjoys the support of the regions Music Teachers, Schools, Colleges,Local Authorities Music Service Departments and regional orchestras.

Competition 2016

This competition is designed to suit all ages and musical abilities from beginners to advanced players. Candidates play an instrument of their choice and choose their own music which they are confident to perform. This is a very friendly competition and you will receive some encouraging comments from our judges to help improve your performance. So if this is your first time you have entered we will be pleased to see you and of course we welc... Read More »

How music can benefit your child

November 20th, 2015 by Anna Michaelidou

8 reasons why your child will benefit from Music lessons

We have all heard music referred to as the universal language. In the world we live in, we are surrounded by music every day; in the form of songs, celebrations, ceremonies, lullabies, and so much more. It doesn't matter how old you are or where you come from - everyone loves a good melody.

... Read More »

East Coast Musician of the Year 2015

April 24th, 2015 by Sarah Adams

The East Coast Musician of the Year Competition attracts both able students and those in the early stage of their musical development giving the competition its unique status within the regions musical calendar. It enjoys the support of the regions Music Teachers, Schools, Colleges,Local Authorities Music Service Departments and regional orchestras.

... Read More »

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