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Why Buy Vinyl?

January 27th, 2015 by Sarah Adams

According to The Telegraph, "Vinyl-record sales are booming. Last year they hit an estimated 1.2 million increase - the highest for 20 years, and a five-fold increase since 2008. Threatened by seemingly superior technologies, the old discs seemed headed for extinction, but - as with books - it is the soul of vinyl that has been its salvation."

2014 saw physical and digital sales plummet, as music lovers opted for streaming services such as Spotify. Whilst vinyl sales continued to increased to a huge 52%.

So why buy vinyl records, over new technologies?

  • Buying vinyl records today is the only way to purchase music that is likely to give you a return on your investment.
  • Reasonably Priced.
  • Authentic Sound.
  • Collectors Item.
  • Heirloom Factor.
  • Modern vinyl comes with a complimentary digital copy/download.
  • Reduced rate of illegal music downloads.

The best selling vinyl records of all time include artists such as, The Beatles, The Stone Roses, Neil Young, Oasis and Blur. Abbey Road by The Beatles retails at £13.99 as an LP vinyl record, whilst a digital copy on iTunes costs £2 less, at £10.99.

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Categories: Research