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Information About Harshal - Clonee tutor


This is how 2 referees rated Harshal:





Subjects Taught


Price Guide
Junior Cycle €30.00


Price Guide
Senior Cycle €40.00


Price Guide
Senior Cycle €40.00


Price Guide
Senior Cycle €40.00


Price Guide
Junior Cycle €30.00


Price Guide
Junior Cycle €30.00
Senior Cycle €40.00

Map Location

Personal Description:

I completed my leaving certificate in 2022 and am currently a student in RCSI. I got 600+ points in leaving cert. H1 in Biology, Maths and Spanish (>95% in each)

I am passionate about teaching and especially form a good base for JC students with motivation to excel. As for LC, I understand the stress that language can cause or the hurdle of heavy content of biology and how daunting chemistry and equations can be.

I have excelled in all my junior cert and leaving cert subjects but currently only providing grinds in these.

In junior cert (higher merits and distinctions)
In leaving cert (4 H1’s - maths, bio, physics, Spanish. 2 H2’s - English and Chemistry (89%))

Tutoring Experience:

1 year teaching experience in junior cycle

Approach to Grinds:

My teaching style is tailored according to students needs and focused for exam preparation.

Tutor Resources: (free to download)

Please login or register to download tutor resources.

Native Language: English
Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: Yes (✔ On File)


  • Institute of Education (2022) - Leaving cert (School) (✘ Not On File)

Tags: Clonee Maths tutor, Clonee Physics tutor, Clonee Chemistry tutor, Clonee Biology tutor, Clonee Science tutor, Clonee Spanish tutor, Clonee Junior Cycle Maths tutor, Clonee Senior Cycle Physics tutor, Clonee Senior Cycle Chemistry tutor, Clonee Senior Cycle Biology tutor, Clonee Junior Cycle Science tutor, Clonee Junior Cycle Spanish tutor, Clonee Senior Cycle Spanish tutor