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Highly experienced tutor, focussed on helping you analyse and evaluate. Outcome: more marks/higher grades!

I am a fully qualified teacher, university lecturer and tutor providing specialised tuition in a wide range of Economics and Business related subjects e.g. Marketing, HRM, Accounting. I have been teaching and lecturing for over 30 years and have accumulated much expertise and experience, which I can pass on to you. My tutees are either "A" level school/college students or university undergraduates. However, I also tutor at post grad level.

One of the key benefits I can offer you as a uni student is providing critical analysis and evaluation when completing your assignments. This is extremely important for grading and often means the difference between a 2:1 and 2:2 or higher. For the dissertation it is fundamental, but even in year one and for Foundation degrees it is essential. I will ensure all your coursework is focussed, adheres to the assignment grading spec and includes critical analysis and evaluation.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught well over 5,000 hours with large numbers of repeat students. Please read all my feedback, which is site genuine. All of my feedback is highly positive. You will not be disappointed with my tuition, your grades will improve and your final exam grade will be what you hoped for. Despite my high fees, my ability, experience and tutoring skills will result in you being totally satisfied. I will also give you access to my past students, allowing you to question them regarding my tutoring skills and ability. Please MESSAGE me if you have any questions. I always reply quickly to them.

Tutoring Approach

I can provide specialised and comprehensive notes which will assist you in your learning. I can give coursework or assignment help (planning, writing, editing) and assistance with your exam preparation.

For AS/A level Economics students: I provide a unique list of headers/ideas to use for Evaluation. Additionally, I will provide, bulleted point documents for addressing major diagrams (Micro & Macro) and question areas, which are invaluable for exam revision. For example, Market Failure and Competition. MESSAGE me via my profile and I will send you a sample.

For AS/A level Business Studies students: I also provide provide a unique list of headers/ideas to use for Evaluation. Additionally, I focus on the MOPS acronym, which significantly improves analysis, but particular evaluation. MESSAGE me for advice and any questions you may have.


If you use ChatGPT (which is becoming increasingly popular), I can also help, as this software program has many flaws. For example, it can be repetitive, provide inappropriate references, sometimes the references are not even genuine. However, it’s main problem is not being able to effectively provide evaluation, which is crucial for a high grade. Additionally, the evaluation given is often simplistic, lacks rigour and inventiveness. I will be able to address all of these issues once you have produced an initial draft. Also be aware that universities do not allow ChatGPT and many of them are now using more sophisticated “Turnitin” software to identify its use. Hence the value of my help.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Garnett London1981PGCECert Ed
Hull1980BachelorsBSc. Econ
London College1976CollegeHNC Business
Learn Direct2005OtherOnline Learning Cert

Philip's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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