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Hi I'm Nichola and I have 15 years teaching experience. I currently work as an English and Media teacher in an outstanding high school teaching KS3 and 4, as well as leading A Level Media. I have a passion for tutoring and really enjoy the 1:1 learning environment with previous students all gaining a C grade or above.
I studied Media and Communication Cultural Studies at University gaining a 2:1 and carried my PGCE out in 2010. I am passionate about both subjects which is reflected in my work.

Tutoring Experience

I am currently coordinator of Media at my current post whilst also teaching KS3-5 English Literature and Language. I have experience of teaching students from all backgrounds and have worked for 3 years with students with SEN needs as well as social and emotional difficulties. I have taught KS2-5 (7-18 year olds) and have experience of both WJEC and the AQA syllabus and have various resources for the GCSE examinations which are current and up to date. I have experience of tutoring in previous years and have had positivie results with all students.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is one which meets the students individual needs. My plans are tailored around the student according to their needs, ability and also any information gathered from current teacher(s). I am easy to get on with, have a good sense of humour and believe in praise and encouragement to ensure students work to their best. I have had extremely positive feedback from both parents and students who I have previously mentored. I am committed and not only will I be available during sessions but revision materials will also be provided to help students with ongoing study and revision.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Leeds University 2010PGCEEnglish PGCE
Trinity and All Saints 2006BachelorsMedia and Communication Cultural Studies
Pudsey Grangefield High school2003SchoolA Level English Literature and Language
Pudsey Grangefield High school2003SchoolGCSE English and Media

Nichola's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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