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Private Maths and Physics Tutor in Islington

Math, Physics and Mechanical Engineering Tutor from GSCE to university level. I can help you in person in Central London and Loughton or online nationwide. Having a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's in Computational Mathematics, with expertise in lecturing, tuition and academic research, I am now mainly acting as a researcher.

Tutoring Experience

I have a background of lecturing in university as well as private tuition. I have also worked in industry for years.
- Private tuition of Maths, Physics and Engineering courses for the students of university, college and school.
- Private tuition of Chemistry for pupils of school.
- Teaching in university for the courses Programming, Computer Science, Air Conditioning, etc.
- Conducting technical workshops in industrial companies

Tutoring Approach

I can help you in understanding of the concepts, confidence of solving problems and accomplishing the projects as well as giving advice for planning your lessons and projects.
My tuition covers university, college and secondary levels.
Tuition can be done either to one, two or a group of pupils/ students. Online teaching can also work.
In case of financial issue, I would be happy to discuss the fee.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


TMU Tehran2012DoctorateMechanical Engineering
TMU Tehran2005MastersMechanical Engineering
TMU Tehran2002BachelorsMechanical Engineering
Heriot-Watt University2018MastersComputational Mathematics

Mehdi's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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