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I am a fully qualified Maths Lecturer in full time education. I have a Degree BA Fist Class with Hons Mathematics teaching GCSE maths including A-Level. I also have a Degree in Applied Maths from Donetsk University, Ukraine. As such I am a dedicated Maths Teacher with 13 years experience in the UK.

Tutoring Experience

I have considerable experience in state secondary/ further education and have taught Maths privately for the last 8 years. I also have successful results in 11+ Entry Exams (Maths +NVR +VR). I have experience in teaching KS3 Maths as well as Higher and Foundation GCSE Maths including OCR, Edexcel and AQA boards.I can teach up to the Uni level in Core Maths and Statistics. I teach students with special needs as well as very bright individuals who need to be stretched to achieve thier true potential..

Tutoring Approach

My approach is individual for every student and parents can expect various steps from me. I always start from a chat with parents followed by my own assessment during feedback at the end of the first session. I always inform parents of the lesson targets and homework given. I also make them aware if homework is not completed/ no progress is made, this allows a joint solution to the problem
I have a room in my home which is a dedicated study for tuition, this provides a relaxed work area. It contains an extensive library of maths papers, work sheets as well as numerous past exam papers etc.
I give full email support to students, who may email me at any time for assistance with any problems or concerns, as indeed may the parent.I also tutor online.

LanguagesUkrainian, Russian, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University, former USSR1979MastersDegree in Applied Mathematics (overseas)
University of North London 2003PGCEBA Hons Maths Education.
University, former USSR1997BachelorsHistory and Theory of Fine Arts

Antonina's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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