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Melinda Zsuzsanna

Melinda Zsuzsanna

Very much in demand Zsuzsanna is dedicated and professional music teacher with high level of experience and a zest of sharing her passion for all things musical. She can not only raise the quality of teaching, but also develop a culture of learning and high aspiration to encourage and motivate children in a fun environment.
She started her violin studies at an early age. She dedicated herself to the Violin achieving her BMUS(Violin) at Gheorghe Dima Music Academy in Romania in 2005. She is a native Hungarian , born in Romania.

She started her music career during her University studies performing with various orchestras and participating on International Tours. During her studies she received scholarship to University of Juhasz Gyula of Szeged where she got an inside view about Kodaly method. She gained competitions to Various Symphony Orchestras and became a Tutti Violinist.
Settling in London she is enjoying performing and sharing her musicianship alongside “Notting Hill Orchestra for Music and Film", "I Maestri Orchestra" , "Southgate Symphony Orchestra”.
She has been teaching violin both privately and in the educational institutions. Her aim is to develop students own natural spark and a zest of learning by encouraging them and creating a fun environment.
An engaged and determined teacher, who motivates children to stretch their fullest potential. Excellent subject knowledge and a strong belief that music can change lives for the better.

Tutoring Experience

Her studies in Music Performance and Education together with her experience as a Professional Violinist have greatly enhanced her knowledge about the role and importance of Instrumental tuition. As an Instrumental Tutor at one of London's music sevices she had the privilege to work across a wide age range. She has been teaching in Primary Schools and she has also been preparing students for Grade 4 as a private tutor. Her experience includes 1:1 lessons, small and large groups including instrumental and musicianship teaching.

Tutoring Approach

Very much in demand Zsuzsanna is dedicated and professional music teacher with high level of experience and a zest of sharing her passion for all things musical. She can not only raise the quality of teaching, but also develop a culture of learning and high aspiration to encourage and motivate children in a fun environment.
She has a strong desire to provide a high level of education by helping students to develop their own natural spark.
An engaged and determined teacher, who motivates children to stretch their fullest potential. Excellent subject knowledge and a strong belief that music can change lives for the better.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


"Gheorge Dima Music Academy" of Cluj Napoca2005BachelorsBMUS
University of Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca2013MastersTheology - Music-Education
Department for Education2016QTSQTS Overseas
"Gheorghe Dima Music Academy"2005OtherTeaching Staff Training Department
Melinda Zsuzsanna
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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